Friday, June 14, 2013

A Must Read Letter From A Father To His Daughter

My cousin shared this blog post with me a few weeks ago.  I think it is a perfect read on the eve of Father's Day.  It is a letter from a father to his daughter about her future husband.  He tells her how it will never be her job to "keep a man interested" and that how it is really only her job to be "her," and how that is how her true man will find her interesting.  Having a father myself who told me just that and raised me with the self worth to do just that, I swooned at this post.  I loved it and hope you do too.  The author, Kelly Flannagan, ends his post with these words that make me swoon even more...

"This post is, of course, dedicated to my daughter, my Cutie-Pie. But I also want to dedicate it beyond her.
I wrote it for my wife, who has courageously held on to her sense of worth and has always held me accountable to being that kind of “boy.”
I wrote it for every grown woman I have met inside and outside of my therapy office—the women who have never known this voice of a Daddy.
And I wrote it for the generation of boys-becoming-men who need to be reminded of what is really important—my little girl finding a loving, lifelong companion is dependent upon at least one of you figuring this out. I’m praying for you."
Way to go, Kelly!  Here's to celebrating all fathers who fill their daughters with the self worth to help them become women of character and confidence - and interesting beyond every man's wildest dreams.

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