Monday, April 15, 2013

My Happy List

Simple abundance is all about recognizing the simple pleasures in our life and realizing the true abundance these things bring us.  It isn't complicated, over the top, or even difficult.  They are pure, every day pleasures that season our days, making life joyful and delightful.  For me, it is the intoxicating body butter that I rub on my skin every morning after I get out of the shower, the pretty glass I pour my wine in, and the bright, colorful skin on my laptop.

I am inundated with "indulgences" every day, but I don't always recognize them.  I get carried away with the hustle and bustle of life and forget to "stop and smell the roses."  In the spirit of being present and practicing gratitude, I decided to make a "happy list" - a list of my favorite things and all that makes me smile.  I will start with a blank notebook and see how far I can keep it going.  It was inspired by this cute little book I have called 14,000 Things To Be Happy About.  How fun would it be to write our own?  Then, we could just flip through it when we need a reminder about how abundant our lives really are.

For starters, I will begin with the cover of my life planner from  This goes everywhere with me and I look at it numerous times a day.  The cover is a constant reminder of all that I love and all that fills my world with joy:

  • family photos
  • veggies
  • Glee!
  • good reads
  • my Breville juicer
  • my home gym
  • red wine
  • pink champagne
  • good friends
  • girl scouts
  • bubble baths
  • foot scrubs
  • meditation
  • green tea
  • taco Tuesdays
  • book club
  • mani/pedi's
  • scrapbooking
  • vacations
  • Wii Just Dance
  • mother-daughter book club
  • glitter nail polish
  • soy chai lattes
  • chips and salsa
  • vegan cupcakes
  • .....
And the list goes on and on.  Now, you do it!  Start your list today.  This is a life changer, people.  Instantly, your mood will glow brighter and you will be a more present and thankful person.  Plus, you'll have a go-to list of mood changers/enhancers at your fingertips whenever you need it!

What makes your happy list?  Share with me in the comments below.

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