Monday, June 3, 2013

How To Save Money on a Vegan Diet

Going vegan can be overwhelming at first.  Learning to eat on a completely new diet, discovering new food products, and adjusting to a new way of life is daunting enough.  But then, you get the grocery bill!  When I first transitioned my diet, I wasn't sure what to buy so I loaded up on every vegan product I could find.  Luckily, once I settled in to my new lifestyle, I acquired new recipes and learned a new repertoire for cooking fresh, delicious veggies and veeg foods.  Saving money and eating frugally on a vegan diet is possible.  You just have to learn where to skimp (and where not to).  My wellness hero, Kris Carr shares a great article on just this subject.  Click here to read her money saving tips for healthy eating.

I ditto everything she says!  Plus, here are a few ideas of my own:

  • Browse Vegan Cuts and Spencers Market: These "discount" shopping sites offer great vegan foods and snacks at promotional prices.  I keep an eye out for favorite vegan products in case they show up on these discount sites.
  • Avoid pre-cut, pre-washed packaged veggies:  Stores charge more for these.  Instead, do your meal planning and shopping once a week.  Then, wash all your fruits and veggies as soon as you get home from the store.  Everything will be good to go at your ready when you need it during the week - just like those pre-washed bags, but instead, you did it yourself at a fraction of the cost.
  • Make your own snacks and desserts: These "specialty" items cost a fortune.  Kale chips and chocolate chip cookies are two of my favorites in this category.  I can make them significantly cheaper than the $6 bag (of kale chips) at my Whole Foods or Trader Joe's.  Every once in a while, it's fun to splurge, but consider making your own hummus, roasted chickpeas or almonds, and popcorn.  You'll save money while getting in touch with your inner chef goddess!
Please let me know if you have any other money saving tips to share.  

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