Monday, June 24, 2013

My Secret Ingredient

Ever since I started drinking apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons in about 20 ounces of water), I have noticed a considerable decrease of cellulite on the backs of my legs.  Yes, my name is Stephanie and I have cellulite!

I read about the benefits of apple cider vinegar and weight loss a few years ago, but only started drinking it in water about six months ago.  I was very skeptical at first, but the results speak for themselves.  While I have also increased my workouts during this same time period, I am convinced that I owe some of the firmness and reduced appearance of cellulite to this tart and pungent secret ingredient.  (I actually kind of like the taste.)

Besides contribute to weight loss, apple cider vinegar can do an abundance of wonderful things.  Click here to read 14 other reasons to use apple cider vinegar every day.

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