Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fun Summer Treats To Make and Eat With The Kids

These summer treats are not only fun to eat, but also fun to make...and they are great activities to do with the kids.  Have fun!

Homemade lollipops with Jolly Rancher candies from Family Fun magazine
Family Fun Magazine's "Jollypops" treat of the month is so easy and fun.  I have been a huge Jolly Rancher fan since I was a kid so I especially, can't wait to try these with the kids this summer.

Click here for the recipe or see below:

Choose your own color and flavor combinations for these luscious homemade lollipops.  For each, place three Jolly Rancher hard candies side by side on a baking sheet that has been covered with foil, then topped with parchment paper.  Leave space on the sheet for a lollipop stick.

Bake at 275 degrees for about 6 minutes.  Remove the pan from the oven and immediately place the stick into the candy, rolling it a bit to ensure a good bond.  Let the candy cool.

Hard chocolate coating for soft serve ice cream from Family Fun magazine
I love this chocolate coating for ice cream.  Since going vegan, I have missed my soft-serve cones with the hard chocolate coating.  No longer!  This homemade recipe from Family Fun is perfect for summer!!

Place 1 cup of vegan chocolate chips (most semi-sweet are vegan) and 1/4 cup refined coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl.  Microwave for 30 seconds, stir, microwave for another 30 seconds, and stir again.  If there are any lumps, microwave for 15 seconds more.  Pour the warm sauce over the ice cream and wait about a minute for it to harden.

Store the sauce at room temperature in a microwave-safe container for up to three weeks.  Microwave for 30 seconds before using.

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