Friday, July 12, 2013

Meet Lisa Becker: The Author of Your Next Favorite Summer Read

Meet Lisa Becker, author of Click and Double Click, your soon-to-be favorite reads this summer.  As a fellow writer and vegetarian, I asked Lisa to chat with me about her books, food and the good life.

VM: For those who are aren't familiar with the Click series, can you give us a brief synopsis?
LB: In the first book, Click: An Online Love Story, fast approaching her 30th birthday and finding herself not married, not dating, and without even a prospect or a house full of cats, Renee Greene reluctantly joined her best guy pal on a journey to find love online in Los Angeles.  The story unfolded entirely through emails between Renee and her best friends as well as the gentlemen suitors she met online.  Fraught with BCC's, FWD's and inadvertent Reply to All's, readers rooted for Renee to "click" with the right man. 

Double Click, which follows the same all-email format, picks up with the same main characters six months after the original books ends.  If the first book was about Renee’s search for love online, Double Click is about whether she and her friends have all found their “HEA” or “happily ever after.”  Through a marriage proposal, wedding, new baby and unexpected love twist, Double Click allows readers to cheer, laugh, cry and cringe following the email exploits of Renee and friends. 

VM: What inspired the idea for these books?
LB: My husband and I met online on a popular dating website.  After we married, I was recalling some of the hilarious experiences that I had with both traditional and online dating.  I decided to capture some of them in writing and from there, a novel emerged.   The ultimate goal was to create a fun read for anyone who has ever had a bad date, been in love, been dumped, or is searching for "the one." But, the happy ending is real.  Steve and I have been happily married for 10 years and have two amazing daughters - ages 8 and 6. 

VM: You have a background in PR.  Did that help or influence you as you wrote the books?
The heroine of Click is a PR professional like me and endures some of the same hilarious, heartbreaking and embarrassing situations that happened to me.  But more than providing stories, my PR career inspired my publishing journey.  For nearly 15 years, I was with a global agency working with some of the biggest consumer companies in the world including McDonald’s, Ford, Sony and Gatorade.  I spent countless hours writing news releases, bylined articles, marketing proposals, brochures, advertising copy, public service announcements, radio copy, mat columns, fact sheets, photo captions, media alerts, pitch letters, letters to the editor, video news releases, etc.  When it came time for me to write something personal, based on my own experiences and initially for my own pleasure, I relished the opportunity to write what I wanted, how I wanted and when I wanted.  Self-publishing was a way for me to control the process.

However, the biggest challenge with self-publishing is taking on the role of publicist and marketer.  You really need to spend time cultivating relationships with reviewers, bloggers and fans, as well as reaching out to generate interest in reviews or blog posts.  My PR background certainly helped in that regard. 

VM: How do you balance being a mom and finding time to fit in your passions (writing)?
LB: I started writing Click after my husband and I married but before we had kids.  Then I had to take a break from writing due to the rigors of motherhood.  But I had always told myself – even as a little girl – that I would write a book one day.  So I made the commitment to finish the book.  I wrote in the mornings while the girls were at school or at night after they went to sleep.  I made it a goal to write – even if only for a half hour – every day.  I did the same with Double Click and was able to finish the book in about 10 months. 

VM: What is on your summer reading list?
LB: Right now, I’m reading Breaking the Rules by Cat Lavoie and am enjoying it.  I’ve also got several books loaded onto my Kindle or awaiting me in paperback including The Long Dance Home by Julie Mayerson Brown, Growing Up Beautiful by Lori Jones, Destined to Fail by Samantha March and Bossypants by Tina Fey.  I’ve honestly been so busy writing that I haven’t had much time to read.   I’m eager to sit down with a cold summer cocktail and delve into some fun stories.  

VM: You have been a vegetarian for over a year now. What inspired you to make that change?
LB: A year and a half ago, I read Michael Pollan’s nonfiction book, In Defense of Food, which examines the western diet and its effect on our health. His advice is simple: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” That, coupled with a viewing of a documentary called Forks Over Knives, which examines how many degenerative diseases can be controlled or reversed with a whole-food, plant-based diet, changed my life.  I’m now more than 18 months into being a vegetarian and have never felt better.

VM: What book and/or cookbook has been most helpful to you in making your transition?
LB: The Forks Over Knives book and cookbook have been extremely helpful, providing a good base of knowledge and easy-to-make recipes.  While I still do eat cheese and eggs, I have significantly reduced the amount I consume. 

VM: What advice do you have for anyone looking to make a transition to an animal-free diet and/or lifestyle?
LB: I would suggest starting with one meal at a time.  In other words, figure out a regimen of breakfasts that work for your palate, income, time considerations, etc.  Once you’ve mastered breakfast, then move on to lunch.

VM: Can you share a favorite vegetarian/vegan recipe?
LB: I adore these raw protein energy balls from Kris Carr.  They make a great protein-packed breakfast or afternoon snack.  I usually make a batch a week as they don’t last long with my husband and girls around.  Yum!

VM: I am on a quest to live the "good" life in all aspects of the word. What does the "good" life represent/mean to you?
 LB: To me, living the “good” life means living so that when you look in the mirror, you can be proud of the person looking back at you. 

VM: Can you share your favorite quote?
LB: This is a perfect segue from the previous questions.  My favorite quote is from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (and that’s not just because I love chocolate):  “So shines a good deed in a weary world.”  I believe it’s taken from a Shakespearean quote from the Merchant of Venice.  It gives me hope that there is kindness everywhere you look.  Every time I see Gene Wilder put his hand over that everlasting gobstopper and utter that line, I tear up. 

Thank you, Lisa!  Be sure to pick up your copy of Click and Double Click.  Read below for more about Lisa and her books.

Lisa Becker had endured her share of hilarious and heinous cyber dates, many of which inspired Click: An Online Love Story and Double Click.  She is now happily married to a wonderful man she met online and lives in Manhattan Beach with him and their two daughters.  So, if it happened for her, there’s hope for you!

You can follow Lisa on Facebook here
View the Click: An Online Love Story video trailer here
Purchase Click at Amazon here
Purchase Double Click at Amazon here

Praise for Lisa Becker’s Click: An Online Love Story
 “Lisa Becker’s comical way of showing us that online love can be real, is truly brilliant!”
The Chick Lit Goddess

“I absolutely loved Click. Once I started reading, it was too hard to put down.”
Chick Lit Plus

“If you like chick lit, you'll LOVE this book…Lisa Becker made me fall in love with this genre all over again.”
The Reading Nook
“Lisa Becker has a wonderful voice and I hope to read more of her works in the future.”
Bees Knees Review

“It turned out to be hilarious, clever and full of fun!”
Chick Lit is Not Dead

“I highly recommend to all and look forward to reading anything else Ms. Becker writes in the future because this was just excellent!”
Bookaholics Book Club
“This book will make you want to call your best girlfriends and reminisce. I am looking forward to more from this author.”

Praise for Lisa Becker’s Double Click

I loved Double Click! If I had more time (darn working!! darn housework!!) I would have easily been able to devour it in one sitting. It was witty and charming, often romantic and funny, plus it made me appreciate my own friends even more! I will even admit to there being a tear or two in my eye at the end. Lisa Becker sure knows how to write a captivating ending!
The Book Chick

Lisa Becker has done it again!  “Double Click” was a fast and wonderful read with unforgettable characters, and it answers lingering questions.  If you’re looking for a funny Chick Lit to read while at the beach this summer, I highly recommend this book!”
Chick Lit Goddess

“If you're looking for a great book to read this summer on the beach, pick up Click and Double Click! Great fun and highly recommend!”
Minding Spot

“Double Click is the kind of book you read while lounging around. It's quick and it's fun and best of all, it manages to be what it is with consistent characterization and absolutely no suspension from reality! I liked Double Click even more than its predecessor and would totally recommend it if you're looking for a cute and hilarious read!”
On Books!

“Double Click is one of the quickest, fun and innovative novels I have read…I must say that there were several instances where I wanted to just reply all so I could add into the conversation”
So Many Books, So Little Time

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