Thursday, September 5, 2013

5 Things I Promise To Do This School Year

Back-to-school promises from VeegMama

This is me, smiling, relaxed, and carefree.  It pretty much epitomizes my attitude and way of life this past two months of summer.  My kids are back to school this week, but I am determined to make sure that attitude doesn't go away.  No stressed out mommy.  No hurried, "I have no time for me" Stephanie.  No rushing to check another thing off my list instead of taking time to be in the moment with one of my kiddos.  I am keeping up my time to exercise, meditate, journal, and write.  I will continue to enjoy the many spaces of my home, instead of just scurrying around them as I flit from to-do item to the next.

I will get in a new groove with school starting, but it will be a good grove that includes self care, relaxed time with my kids, and plenty of time to enjoy life - not just run through it.  With that being said, here are five things I promise to do this school year (in no particular order).

1. Say "no" 
I will no longer commit to anything that does not bring me immediate joy at the thought of doing it.  I will say "no" to the things I don't want to do so that I have time to say "yes" to the things I do want to do.  I am talking mostly about all of those volunteer commitments that pop up at school and temple.  I seem to be a magnet for those.  I finally get it - I can do everything I want to do...just not all at the same time.  Less will definitely be more this school year.

2. Schedule less
Okay, this is a toughie with three kids, all with different interests, but I am going to give it my best shot.  I will do my best to coordinate after-school activities during the same time frame so we are not in and out of the house all afternoon/evening, and I will ask for help in carpooling for pick up/drop offs.  I will also limit commitments during the weekends as much as possible.  It also means that during the day while my kids are in school, I will write instead of scheduling errands and volunteer commitments.

3. "Be" with the kids more
It was a gift to have my kids want to be home with me this summer instead of at various camps.  We had down time in the afternoons together to chat and hang out.  I want more of that.  I used to get this time scheduled in every week with Jake when he was home from preschool, but he will be in school 5 days a week this year.  This time with my girls was limited during the week.  I want to have time to hang out with them more, and if I adhere to #1 and #2, I should be able to get it!

4. Play more
I had a lot of fun this summer - with my kids, my friends, my family, and my husband.  Just because summer is ending doesn't mean the play has to as well.  I realized this summer how important and necessary play is every day to recharge oneself and stay joyful.  I am going to try and do something playful each day - whether it's for 5 minutes (dancing and singing to my favorite song), 15 minutes (playing fetch with my dog), or an hour (playing a board game with my kids after dinner).

So, there it is.  My five promise for a more joyful school year.  What do you think?

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