Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What I Am Serving For Rosh Hashanah

I love Rosh Hashanah.  It just might be my favorite Jewish holiday.  There is something about ushering in the new year, reflecting on the past year, and making promises for the future that fills me with hope and inspiration for limitless possibilities.  We are nearing the Jewish New Year (starts tomorrow on September 4th) very soon, which means it's time to start menu planning!

I take pleasure each year in planning a special dinner on Rosh Hashanah Erev (the evening before Rosh Hashanah).  Since the kids aren't at temple with us that night, (the kids join us at services the next day...Erev services can run a bit late for them) dinner is a special time for all of us to usher in the new year together and talk about what the next 10 days will mean for us.  It is traditional to serve apples and honey, representing a sweet new year.  As a vegan, I serve the apples with agave instead, and I use the foods as inspiration for the rest of the menu.  I favor dishes that combine sweet and savory flavors, and love to serve Nava Atlas' "Just-as-Sweet-as-Honey Cake" for dessert.  In fact, her whole book, Vegan Holiday Kitchen, has some great menus for the holiday.  Is there any better way to welcome the new year than with good food?  Below is what I have planned for this year's meal.

Red and green apples
I slice red and green varieties and serve alongside mini bowls of agave for each person to have at their place for dipping.

A round challah is traditionally served this time of year.  

Butternut Squash Timbales
I am making the recipe from Colleen Patrick Goudreau's The Vegan Table.  This dish makes a stunning presentation.  All of the layers of this dish make one meal, so you don't need to make extra sides.  

"Just-as-sweet-as-honey" Cake
This is a fun recipe to make with the kids.  This year, Jake and I will bake it together while the girls are at school.  I bake extra mini loaves to give as gifts too!

Click here for the recipe.

Whether you are celebrating or not, I am wishing you and yours a sweet and a happy new year!

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