Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Favorite DIY Costumes for Halloween

Can you believe Halloween is just around the corner?  My family and I start planning our costumes in the summer.  We usually do a family theme, but this year, my girls want to do their own thing, (sigh...they have grown past that age).  My husband and I plan to do a Star Wars theme with my little guy (he's dying to be Luke Skywalker), but I am a bit disappointed we won't be donning one of the fun homemade theme ideas we brainstormed.  

Growing up, my mom always made our Halloween costumes.  I was lucky to have a crafty and seamstress mom who could whip up amazing creations.  Unfortunately, that sewing giftedness didn't filter down to me, but I love the idea of making my own costume...if only I had more time!  Alas, this year, I purchased our family's costumes, but I still marvel at those who create theirs on their own.  Below are a few of my favorite DIY Halloween costume ideas, some that friends and family have done in the past, and some that my own fam has considered doing.

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas from VeegMama
Words With Friends Tiles - My husband is addicted to this game app, so it was no surprise to me that he came up with this one.  All you need are some cardboard boxes or large squares of cardboard, and some paint.  Paint on the letters and attach a "handle" to hang over you.  Voila - you are part of the game!

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas from VeegMama
Legos - My sister-in-law and her family created this ingenious costume.  It is one of my favorites.  Boxes, Solo cups and paint.  Coordinate with matching sweats, hats, and t-shirts.  That's it!

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas from VeegMama
M&M's - This is an old family favorite.  My sis-in-law made this costume from felt.  It requires a little sewing know-how, but I think even I could pull this one off!  Pair with white tights and gloves and you are all set.

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas from VeegMama
Photo via

Box Cars - These Disney themed cars are literally made from boxes.  All you need is a little creativity and drawing skills, some paint and scissors to make these characters come alive.  

Do you have a DIY costume that you'd like to share?  I would love to add it to my list.  Send me a note in the comments section below.  Happy costume planning!

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