Friday, February 14, 2014

What's Your Word?

Flipping through a magazine earlier this week, I saw this ad.  It is for Special K cereal, but that is not what caught my eye.  It was the consumer insight behind the #1 New Year's resolution to lose weight. 

It reads: "This year, pick a word.  Not a number."  
And the scale reads "joy."

Brilliant!  This ad is a great reminder to be kind and loving to ourselves (and each other).  I mentioned in my weekly newsletter (sign up here) a couple of weeks ago, that I have been tackling my health, weight loss, and writing goals with great success - and I am having fun (not always the case when I am in "achieve" mode).  Instead of being strict and rigid in what I eat and how much I exercise (what I normally do), I have approached my goals from a place of love and joy.  I don't always get it right, but this past month and a half, I have tried to be kind and loving to myself.  I have been more aware of what I need at a particular moment and have practiced forgiveness (of myself) for my missteps in all areas.  I have held the word "joy" (that actually is my word) close to my chest and kept it as my guiding light in doing anything.   

Today, on Valentine's Day, I thought this was a great ad to share.  What is your word this year?  How do you want to feel today - and how do you want to feel when you achieve your goals?  It does not have to be hard to work hard.  It does not have to feel difficult to accomplish a difficult feat.  It is supposed to feel good.  Choose your word wisely and let it guide you to a wonderful, joyful place this year.  

Happy Valentine's Day!  There is only love!!!

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