Friday, March 7, 2014

Your Six-Word Memoir

Six-word Memoirs

I have something fun for you today!  A friend introduced me to the book More Six-Word Memoirs edited by Smith Magazine, a community of storytellers where "users create the content and editors create it."  It is a brilliant forum for people to share their personal stories in a creative outlet.  In just six words, people are invited to share their story.  As their website states: "Everyone has a story.  What's yours?"  

As a writer, I am quite giddy about this project, the site and all the books around it.  I would love to create or attend a party with this theme.  So, I am deeming today "Fun Friday" to give myself an excuse to write my own six-word memoir and invite all of my Veeg Readers to join the party.  

Here's mine: Following joy towards the "good" life.

Now, what's yours?  Please share by replying in the comments section below!

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