Be the change you wish to see in the world...

- Gandhi

Monday, March 18, 2013

My Passover Menu

Passover, (a 7-day Jewish festival celebrating the Jewish people's freedom from the Egyptians) starts a week from today.  As I busily finalize all of the preparations for the special seder meal, I thought I would share what I am making this year.  It is a mix of old and new recipes (I always like to throw a few new dishes into the mix along with tried and true favorites).  You will also notice that it is a primarily vegan meal, but I do make chicken for my non veeg guests.  My mother-in-law brings the matzoh ball soup so the chicken is the only thing I have to make that is non vegan.

Here's what's on this year's menu:

Matzoh Ball Soup - As I noted above, my MIL is making the non vegan matzoh balls.  I will make the vegetable broth and hopefully some vegan balls that don't fall apart.  I pinned a few recipes on my Passover Pinterest board so I will try a new one this year with my fingers crossed...I have not been so lucky with vegan matzoh balls in the past.

My Cousin Janet's Charoset - I love that I have a family recipe that has been used for decades of seders.  There are a variety of charoset recipes out there.  I make triple the recipe so I have it all week to eat on my matzah!

Nut Loaf - I found this recipe on Pinterest and think it will make a great main vegan dish this year.

"Shake and Bake" Matzoh Chicken - I am adapting this recipe from Matzah Meals, a Passover cookbook for kids.  I will use an Italian dressing base from Penzey's spices and create my own shake and bake mix from matzah crumbs and seasonings.  I like this recipe because I can prep it ahead and it can cook in the oven while the seder is happening.

Spinach, Leek and Potato Matzoh Gratin - My non vegan family loved this dish last year, which I got from Nava Atlas' Vegan Holiday Kitchen.  Click here for the recipe.

Sauteed Asparagus and Broccolini with Sun-Dried Tomatoes - This is another easy and delicious recipe from Nava's cookbook.  These are my favorite spring vegetables.

Lemony Quinoa with Butternut Squash - I found this recipe on Pinterest.  It looks delicious.  I can't wait to try it this year.

Passover Rolls - My non Jewish mom made these for us years ago when I wasn't vegan and we all loved them.  I am going to try replacing the eggs this year with an egg replacer and hope they come out the same!

Check out my Passover Pinterest board for more recipes and ideas that I have been pinning this month!

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