Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Meet Shelby Dredge, Owner of Embellish It!

Shelby Dredge, owner of embellish IT!I may have mentioned that I am a scrapbooker.  Family historian is included in the many hats I wear in my family and part of my job description as "mom."  I mentioned in a previous post that I am a huge fan of embellish IT! - especially their "play" dates and ready-to-go kits.  It is a family owned business and owner, Shelby Dredge, is delightful.  Her infectious energy and creative spirit infuse every product and event she does.  She is a living example of "do what you love" and live your joy.  I am so very happy to have her on the blog today.

VM: Tell us about your business, embellish II! and your monthly kit clubs.
SD: embellish IT! is a scrapbooking company which focuses on the latest and greatest products from the industry's leading manufacturers.  embellish IT! is a family business. Shelby is the brains behind the business, and Steve is definitely the muscle that is much needed (who knew paper was SO heavy :)  embellish IT! exhibits at Scrapbook Conventions, hosts Play All Day Crops, has an online website, tv spots, offers a monthly kit club, as well as travels & teaches classes across the nation.

My favorite aspect of the business is teaching.  Over the years, I have taught thousands of people and spent more nights in hotels than my own bed.  Although I love teaching and traveling, I LOVE my family more. I started a kit club 1 year ago and it has enabled me to "teach" to thousands of people all over the world without leaving home.  We have a monthly page kit club and also a monthly card kit club.  I feel very blessed with the success that the kit clubs have had to allow us to be home with our kids.

VM: Why do you scrapbook?  How did you end up with a business in this field?
SD: I have scrapbooked since I was a little girl - before "scrapbooking" was considered a hobby or art.  In 1999, I quit work to start a family.  I knew that I would be scrapbooking and spending money on scrapbooking supplies and photos.  I also needed a new computer. I also really wanted a digital camera - all things I should not be buying after quitting work. Having a CPA background, I decided to launch embellish IT! if for no other reason than a tax write-off and to justify the expenses.  The business has done very well and I am still justifying many purchases as business expenses :)

VM: For those new to scrapbooking, where do you recommend they begin - what products, what lines, which photos?!!
SD: Kits are the BEST as they include everything you need and give you instructions how to do the project.  You complete great looking pages and learn techniques in the process that helps you with future pages.

VM: What is the one scrapbooking product you couldn't live without?
SD: Foam tape - it adds so much dimension!

VM: Can you share your best tip for scrapbookers?
SD: Don't stress, and enjoy the process.  Don't get caught up in it being "perfect" or "doing it wrong."

VM: How do you balance being a busy mom of four and owning your own business?
SD: I don't - haha! Actually, it is really difficult.  Owning a business has many advantages but it is hard to get away from work when it is your own business.  I wake up at 3am in the morning and work. It is quiet and I can focus without any interruption.  At 7am, I feel that I have a handle on work & take a break to get my kids up, fed & ready for the day without stressing about work. Once my kids are out the door then I can return to work. I always try to wrap up work by 3pm because after school until bedtime is CRAZY BUSY with the kids and I don't want to miss out on anything!

VM: How do you make time to scrapbook for fun with all that you manage?
SD: I always schedule at least 1 usually 2-3 girl trips each year. It is amazing how much I can get done when I don't have certain products I have to use, specific theme or a budget I have to design around. That in itself makes it FUN and totally different than work projects. 

VM: What trends do you see in scrapbooking today?
SD: I love that manufacturers are starting to design products that can be used with social media.  The trend in "pocket page" scrapbooking is also very appealing.

VM: What advice do you have for those who dream of having beautiful scrapbooked albums, but are overwhelmed with the time and creativity involved to get it done?
SD: Again, Kits are the best.  And, typically they are the most cost effective way to scrapbook.

VM: I am on a quest to live the "good" life in every meaning of the word.  What does the "good" life mean to you?
SD: I think there is SO much good .... good people, good activites, good intentions, good ideas. The good is there - we just need to focus on the good and enjoy all that life has to offer.

VM: Can you share your favorite quote?
SD: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”   - Mae West

Thank you, Shelby!  Read more about her below and to check out embellish IT! and all of her great products and kits, visit

Shelby Dredge with her familyShelby Dredge was born & raised in Memphis, Tennessee.  After graduating from High School, she moved to Hawaii where she was a part-time student & full time surfer chic.  After graduating with double-majors, a 3.9 GPA and a great tan, she met Steve.  Shelby and Steve truly enjoy being together (it is a good thing since they run their business together and are always together).  Shelby and Steve have four very busy kids: Jake 13, Keegan 12, Brock 7 and Crew 5 plus 2 puppies. Shelby is enthusiastic about life and makes everything fun!

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